• Support

    the environment of the Cottonwood Canyons through stewardship and education

  • Create

    a lasting impact by supporting our work and mission through our Friends Campaign

  • Learn

    about engaging in environmental and watershed awareness through our education programs

  • Steward

    the unique and beautiful landscape of the Cottonwood Canyons through our trails and invasive species programs

  • Volunteer

    your energy and passion through hard work via a CCF volunteer opportunity

  • Donate

    and support our mission and cause through a variety of giving opportunities

  • Support

    the environment of the Cottonwood Canyons through stewardship and education

  • Create

    a lasting impact by supporting our work and mission through our Friends Campaign

  • Learn

    about engaging in environmental and watershed awareness through our education programs

  • Steward

    the unique and beautiful landscape of the Cottonwood Canyons through our trails and invasive species programs

  • Volunteer

    your energy and passion through hard work via a CCF volunteer opportunity

  • Donate

    and support our mission and cause through a variety of giving opportunities

Our Mission

Supporting the Environment of the Cottonwood Canyons Through Stewardship and Education

Welcome to National Public Lands Day!

Here at the Cottonwood Canyons Foundation, we are excited to have you join us for one of our most impactful projects of the year.

On Saturday, September 28 (8:30 am – noon) we will host you for a restoration project at Silver Lake in Big Cottonwood Canyon Google coordinates here. We will be preparing soil, laying veg matting, and planting natives plant seed.

New Location:  Please park in the Brighton Store parking lot across the street from the Visitor Center, or in the Visitor Center lot. We will meet in the picnic area of the Visitor Center at 8:30 am (there is construction in the canyon so plan for delays). We will provide bagels and coffee and good cheer! Upon arrival, we will complete waivers, give a safety talk, and break into working groups. Families are welcome, but children must be supervised by an adult. Long pants, long sleeves, closed-toed sturdy shoes, and layers are required (in case of inclement weather). Please bring water and sun protection (screen, glasses, hat). Bring work gloves, if you have them. Please bring a shovel  or grass rake if you have one. We will provide additional gloves and tools. If you have any questions, please contact Joanna Wheelton at [email protected], or Ella Abelli-Amen (707-291-9505) for questions on the day of the event. After the event, we invite you to support our local restaurants for lunch at the Brighton Store, Brighton BBQ, Solitude, or Silver Fork Lodge.  They all support us; share the love!

A Guided Walk Through the Albion Basin:
Recreate Responsibly

Guided walk by the CCF’s Education Director Liz Anderson and CCF’s Naturalist Dylan Anderson

Video Credits: Tyler Struss (Instagram: @tyler_the_struss, Website: tylerstruss.com)

Thank you to ALTA! Please click here to see the Recreate Responsibly page, along with the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace on alta.com


A process of learning more about the environment and developing skills and understanding about how to address human impact challenges


The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care


Creating lasting change by giving of time and energy towards meaningful, impactful projects

The Tom and Barbara Lyon Family Foundation generously support our work at Silver Lake.
Please consider a legacy gift like theirs to make a lasting change.

Online Education Testimonial

TTwo days ago we did the first hike – Observation Point. Before leaving, we did the pre-activities and went through the entire document. Then we hit the trail and discussed the things we’d front loaded on the website and stopped at each of the informational signs on the trail.  It was absolutely wonderful. Previously, for many years I worked in environmental and outdoor education and I have an undergrad in tropical ecology and a master’s in geology. I learned more using the information you provided and going on that hike than I have learned in the entire three years. It was wonderful.
And I know that at age 5 and 7, my kids don’t have exactly the same level of academic interest I do in natural history, but they have the hands on interest children naturally have. My daughter is crazy about animals, so she’s particularly interested in anything about fauna and about observing animals in the field. She even made a kit with a magnifying glass, a ziplock back to collect samples, etc.
The bottom line is thank you so much for this; we’ve been dreaming of finding something like this and it is really, no kidding, my wildest dream come true to finally start learning all the things I wanted to learn about these mountains. I can’t wait for next week. And I realize my kids are having an opportunity to learn about things and be exposed to things that I didn’t have access to until I was 23. And that fact amazes me. How much they’ll know by the time I only began to learn about natural history. Thank you.
PHOENIX, September 2021
  • Events Calendar

    Our events calendar highlights Cottonwood Canyons Foundation events in the Big Cottonwood Canyon, Little Cottonwood Canyon, and Millcreek Canyon.  Join us today!

  • Volunteering with CCF

    Volunteer with the Cottonwood Canyons in our trails, invasive plant species, education or wildflower programs and help us create impactful change in the Cottonwood Canyons.

  • Stewardship

    Partnering with the US Forest Service, trail work includes construction, rerouting and maintenance over 100 miles of trails in the Cottonwood Canyons.  Invasive plant species control helps maintain healthy ecosystems for this vital watershed.  Join these programs today to steward this precious resource.

  • Education

    The Cottonwood Canyons Foundation offers online education programs, public snowshoe and ski tours,  naturalist guides at Silver Lake, kids’ days activities, and wildflower programs such as the Wasatch Wildflower Festival.

  • Donations

    Donations from donors like you enable our stewardship, education, and wildflower program work.  We cannot do this without your support.  Please consider a gift today.

Upcoming Events

Cottonwood Canyons Foundation Join our Friends of the Cottonwood Canyons Fundraising Campaign Volunteer with our Stewardship, Education, or Wildflower Programs to Support the Environment of the Cottonwood Canyons Get Involved and Help Us Create Impactful Change!